Helping DIY / Hardware Retailers Thrive

The Hardware and DIY industry has been a strong sector within Australia, withstanding market fluctuations and even booming in the face of adversity when Covid hit. 66% of Australians own their own home, with a whopping 83% being houses, so it’s no wonder there’s so much demand for home improvement goods.

However, the industry does have hurdles to overcome of course. Finding and retaining quality staff is a common problem in the DIY sector, where customers rely on staff, to not only help them find the product they’re looking for but to also advise which product is best. With unemployment in Australia at almost a record low, retailers need to find new ways to overcome staffing issues.

Our hardware clients have found stability through investing in retail technology. By implementing Electronic Shelf Labels (ESLs), many of the time-consuming tasks involved in inventory management become automated. This truly is a breakthrough for retailers. Having changes in price, promotions and product information updated electronically, in line with the POS, takes enormous pressure off staff and management alike.

Besides displaying prices, they can also assist customers in locating the appropriate tools and building materials for their home improvement projects, and more.

Let’s look at all the advantages in more detail:


Price automation

ESLs automate price and promotion changes on the shelf edge, which can otherwise take hours, if not days to complete. Having this taken care of, in real-time, by back-office systems; truly alleviates one of the biggest burdens on most DIY stores.

Staff retention

Knowing that this base level task is complete, means that staff can focus on helping customers. This in fact creates a more rewarding work experience for employees, therefore improving staff retention, as they utilise their expertise instead of completing menial tasks.

Increase staff retention with Electronic Shelf Labels / Digital Price Tags

Geo-location tools for retailers using Electronic Shelf Labels

Geo-location guidance

Geo-location is an advanced feature of Electronic Shelf Label technology (Digital Price Tags). Working with a smart phone app, a path can be created to the product of interest, enabling way-finding for either new staff still onboarding or for customers directly.

Pricing agility

With automation comes agility. When you can roll out 30,000 changes at once, you no longer need to decide which price changes will be prioritised over others. You can match that competitor promotion, or pass on that purchasing price fluctuation, therefore securing margins and optimising sales.

Sales and promotional campaigns using electronic shelf labels / digital price tags DIY Hardware stores

Compliance is ensured with Electronic Shelf Labels / Digital Price Tags


We offer integration with any POS/ERP system, enabling the synchronisation of data between the shelf edge and POS. This ensures compliance, as well as price alignment to catalogue and other sales materials. Any new government legislation can also be rolled out at the shelf edge, at the touch of a button.

Reducing waste

Sustainability is a key driver for most businesses nowadays, customers seek out greener brands and businesses gain advantages from reducing waste. No more printing of shelf labels and promotional assets means:

- Reduction of paper waste

- Reduction in energy consumption

Electronic Shelf Labels / Digital Price Tags are Environmentally friendly an Eco solution

Customer experience

Retailers can leverage the dynamic display capabilities of Electronic Shelf Labels / Digital Price Tags, to showcase product features and provide additional information via QR codes or NFC functionality. Examples include; videos, product specs, product comparisons and reviews.

Our ESL system, with its modern design and geo-location capabilities, is the ideal solution for DIY retailers seeking to provide a user-friendly, elegant and efficient shopping experience. By incorporating these advanced technologies, retailers can help ensure the survival and growth of their businesses, in a rapidly changing market landscape.

To find out more, download our brochure.


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ESL Benefit Analysis 3: Marketing & Customer Experience